
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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An important part of USADA’s testing program is the ability to test athletes without any advance notice in an out-of-competition setting. To maximize testing resources and minimize the burden on athletes, USADA has created a Registered Testing Pool (RTP) and a Clean Athlete Program (CAP). Athletes in the RTP and CAP are subject to different Whereabouts requirements and compliance criteria.

Athletes are subject to testing 365 days a year and do not have “off-seasons” or cutoff periods in which testing does not occur. Whereabouts information (dates, times, locations, etc.) is information submitted to USADA by an athlete that allows the athlete to be located for out-of-competition testing.

Registered Testing Pool
Athletes who have been notified that they are part of the USADA Registered Testing Pool (RTP) are responsible for directly keeping USADA informed of their Whereabouts via quarterly Whereabouts filings and ongoing updates so as to be available for out-of-competition testing.

Clean Athlete Program
Athletes who have been identified and notified that they are part of the Clean Athlete Program (CAP) will be subject to limited Whereabouts requirements as part of USADA’s strategic testing plan, which in part, is designed to make Whereabouts requirements for athletes proportional to testing.

How are athletes added to the RTP?

The requirements to include athletes in a Registered Testing Pool or other testing pool are driven by the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) International Standard for Testing and Investigations (ISTI).

Some examples of reasons why an athlete would be included in an RTP can include:

  • Athletes ranked highly in their sport, competing as an international-level athlete, part of a national team, receiving USOPC funding, living or competing abroad, etc…;
  • Athletes in high risk sport-disciplines for doping based on a sport-specific risk assessment;
  • Athletes serving a period of Ineligibility or a Provisional Suspension;
  • Athletes who were high priority for Testing before they retired from the sport and who now wish to return from retirement to active participation in the sport;
  • Other individualized factors that require out-of-competition testing on an Athlete, thus requiring Whereabouts information.

How does an athlete know if they must submit Whereabouts information?

Athletes will be notified if they are included in the USADA RTP or the CAP and are required to submit Whereabouts information. As outlined in the World Anti-Doping Code, International Standard for Testing & Investigations, and the United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC) National Anti-Doping Policy, elite athletes who have been identified and notified that they are part of the USADA RTP or CAP are responsible for directly keeping USADA informed of their Whereabouts. Athletes who have not been notified of their responsibility to submit Whereabouts information are not required to submit any Whereabouts information, although they can still be tested out-of-competition by USADA.

With the new Athlete Connect application, athletes and their support personnel have a more streamlined and reliable way to file and update Whereabouts, complete education requirements, and quickly navigate to Global DRO and USADA’s many other resources.  


Submit and Update Your Whereabouts on the Go!

*Athletes currently in a USADA Whereabouts testing pool must update their Whereabouts through Athlete Express until December 31, 2023, but will need to file their Q1 2024 Whereabouts through the new Athlete Connect platform by December 15, 2023. Starting January 1, 2024, all athletes will use Athlete Connect for all Whereabouts filings and updates.

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What are the differences between the USADA Registered Testing Pool and the Clean Athlete Program?

USADA Registered
Testing Pool

Clean Athlete Program

Who is included?

  • Athletes identified by USADA for inclusion
  • Athletes who fail to comply with expectations while in the Clean Athlete Program
  • Athletes in their International Federation’s Registered Testing Pool
  • Sanctioned Athletes
  • May include athletes who are selected for a national team or are representing Team USA at international competitions
  • Athletes identified by USADA for inclusion
  • Athletes with specific competition results

What are the Whereabouts requirements?

  • Required to file and update Whereabouts in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code and the International Standard for Testing & Investigations. Required information includes:
    • Daily overnight location
    • Daily 60-minute time slot
    • Training locations and times
    • Competitions
    • Other regularly scheduled activities, such as school and/or work locations
  • Update Whereabouts information as soon as locations and schedules change
  • Required to submit basic contact information quarterly. Required information includes:
    • A primary overnight location
    • Typical training location(s)
    • Competition schedule
  • Ensure basic summary information in Athlete Connect is accurate at all times.
  • No “daily” updating required when their schedule changes from what was submitted to USADA
  • No 60-minute window required
green calendar iconWhat are the Whereabouts deadlines?

Deadlines for Whereabouts submissions will be the 15th of the month ahead of each quarter.

  • Quarter 1 – December 15
  • Quarter 2 – March 15
  • Quarter 3 – June 15
  • Quarter 4 – September 15

Deadlines for Whereabouts submissions will be the 15th of the month ahead of each quarter.

  • Quarter 1 – December 15
  • Quarter 2 – March 15
  • Quarter 3 – June 15
  • Quarter 4 – September 15

Education Requirements
  • Complete the annual Athlete’s Advantage education tutorial each year
  • Complete the annual Athlete’s Advantage education tutorial each year

  • Subject to unannounced out-of-competition testing at any time and at any location, as well as in-competition testing
  • May be selected for testing based on in-competition v. out-of-competition risk, as well as training and competition schedules

  • Subject to Whereabouts Failures in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Code and International Standard for Testing & Investigations
  • Non-compliance may result in the athlete being moved to the RTP for a minimum period of nine months
  • NOT subject to Whereabouts failures

Whereabouts Submission Information

1. When must Whereabouts information be submitted to USADA?

Both the USADA RTP and CAP have deadlines for the submission of their Whereabouts information.

Athletes included in the RTP and CAP must complete their Whereabouts filing online and submit it by the 15th of the month ahead of each quarter.

  • Quarter 1 – December 15
  • Quarter 2 – March 15
  • Quarter 3 – June 15
  • Quarter 4 – September 15

2. What information should be included with a Whereabouts submission to USADA?

USADA Registered Testing Pool

Athletes included in the USADA RTP must submit two types of Whereabouts information to USADA. One type is the athlete’s quarterly Whereabouts filing, which includes: daily overnight location, daily 60-minutes time slot, training locations and times, competitions, AND other regularly scheduled activities, such as school and/or work locations.

The second type of Whereabouts filing that must be submitted is Whereabouts UPDATES. If an athlete’s schedule changes during the quarter from what they originally submitted, they must file an update with USADA as soon as changes are made. For example, if an athlete will be in a location different from what they provided on their quarterly Whereabouts filing, such as traveling for a competition, they must submit an update.

60-Minute Window

Any athlete who is in the USADA RTP must provide a specific 60-minute time slot every day between 5 a.m. – 11 p.m. that anchors the athlete to a specific location. The athlete chooses the 60-minute time slot to fit their schedule and must be available and accessible for testing at the specific location during the entire 60-minute time slot. Please note that USADA can choose to, and does, test athletes outside of their 60-minute window.

Clean Athlete Program

Athletes included in the USADA CAP are required to submit basic contact information each quarter. Required information includes: a primary overnight residence, training location(s) and typical times of training, and details regarding upcoming competitions.

Athletes in the USADA CAP are not required to submit daily Whereabouts updates and they are not subject to Whereabouts Failures.

3. How does an athlete provide Whereabouts updates to USADA?

Athletes in both the USADA RTP and CAP can submit quarterly Whereabouts filings and Whereabouts updates to USADA through:

Click below to view frequently asked questions and step-by-step guides for the new Athlete Connect application.

The following video tutorials are for the Athlete Express Whereabouts Updater App.

Whereabouts Failures

Athletes in the USADA Registered Testing Pool are subject to Whereabouts Failures in compliance with the World Anti-Doping Agency Code (“Code”) and International Standard for Results Management. Athletes in the Clean Athlete Program are not subject to Whereabouts Failures, but may be moved to the USADA RTP for a minimum period of 9 months if found non-compliant with the Whereabouts requirements, during which time they are subject to Whereabouts Failures.

There are two types of Whereabouts Failures: Filing Failures and Missed Tests.

1. Filing Failures

Whereabouts filings must be submitted to USADA by the deadlines outlined in the Whereabouts filing section. A Filing Failure will be declared if:

  • A Whereabouts filing has not been submitted to USADA by the specified deadline.
  • A Whereabouts filing is too inaccurate or incomplete to reasonably locate the athlete for testing.
  • A Whereabouts filing and/or update does not include all the required information. For example, not including a designated 60-minute window, your apartment number or gate code, if applicable, or regularly scheduled activities.
  • An athlete is attempted at the listed location provided on the Whereabouts filing and is not available, they are subject to a Filing Failure.

2. Missed Test

  • Athletes in the USADA RTP will receive a Missed Test if they are unavailable during the specified 60-minute window indicated on their Whereabouts filing when attempted for testing.
  • Athletes are accountable for the entire 60-minute window, even if a Doping Control Officer does not arrive at the beginning of the time slot. Athletes may be notified at any time during the time slot window.

Whereabouts Related – Anti-Doping Rule Violation (ADRV)

  • Missed Test = Whereabouts Failure
  • Filing Failure = Whereabouts Failure
  • All Whereabouts Failures will be shared and combined with the athlete’s International Federation (IF), the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), and USADA, and will be part of a combined Whereabouts Failure record.
  • Any combination of three Whereabouts Failures (Filing Failures and/or Missed Tests), declared by USADA or an IF, within any 12-month period = Anti-Doping Rule Violation.
  • Anti-Doping Rule Violations for any combination of three Whereabouts Failures result in a two (2) year period of ineligibility, subject to reduction down to minimum of one (1) year, depending on the Athlete’s degree of Fault.
    • The flexibility between two years and one year of ineligibility is not available to athletes where a pattern of last-minute Whereabouts changes or other conduct raises a serious suspicion that the athlete was trying to avoid being available for testing.
    • Note that multiple Anti-Doping Rule Violations or aggravating circumstances may increase the period of ineligibility.