
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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Team usada

The United States Anti-Doping Agency is a non-profit corporation under the direction of an independent Board of Directors. Headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, USADA’s professional staff is responsible for managing and coordinating the organization’s testing, science & research, education, and adjudication initiatives. Click here for DCOs.

Click here for Athlete Presenters.

Executive Team

Travis T. Tygart headshot.

Travis T. Tygart

Chief Executive Officer

John Bobo headshot.

John Bobo

Chief Innovation Officer

Sandi Briggs headshot.

Sandi Briggs

Chief Financial Officer

Jeff Cook headshot.

Jeff Cook

Chief Legal & Operations Officer

Matthew Fedoruk headshot.

Matthew Fedoruk, PhD

Chief Science Officer

Jennifer Royer headshot.

Jennifer Royer, PhD

TrueSport & Awareness Senior Director

General & Administrative

Shahera Shalabi headshot.

Shahera Shalabi

Human Resources Director

Allison Wagner headshot.

Allison Wagner

Athlete & International Relations Director

Scott Bell headshot.

Scott Bell

Assistant Controller

Cameron McPherson headshot.

Cameron McPherson

Staff Accountant

France Farrell headshot.

Francoise Farrell

Executive Assistant

Mercedes Lind headshot.

Mercedes Lind

Accounting Coordinator

Diasy Ojeda headshot.

Daisy Ojeda

Human Resources Coordinator

Elle Pope headshot.

Gabrielle Pope

Executive Assistant

Vince Spurgeon headshot.

Vince Spurgeon

Accounts Payable Coordinator


Averi Walker headshot.

Averi Walker

Communications Director

Matt Morgan headshot.

Matthew Morgan

Video Director & Editor

Hailey Radvillas headshot.

Hailey Radvillas

Communications Specialist

Alondra Hernandez headshot.

Alondra Hernandez

Social Media Coordinator

Legal & Results management

Spencer Crowell headshot.

Spencer Crowell

Olympic & Paralympic Counsel

No photo available

Dan Burke

Intelligence & Investigations Director

Lisa McCumber headshot.

Lisa McCumber

Testing Results Manager

Lorena Rabelo headshot.

Lorena Rabelo

Intelligence Officer

Chelsea Busa headshot.

Chelsea Busa

Compliance Manager

Kasey Weber headshot.

Kasey Weber

Whereabouts Compliance Supervisor

John Loney headshot.

John Loney


Muriel Ossip headshot.

Muriel Ossip

Legal Assistant

TrueSport and Elite Education

Tammy Hanson headshot.

Tammy Hanson

Elite Education Director

Betsy Douglass headshot.

Betsy Douglass

TrueSport operations and outreach education manager

Grayson Potter headshot.

Grayson Potter

Elite Education Manager

Lisa Voight headshot.

Lisa Voight

TrueSport Partnership & Resources Manager

Audrey Shaw headshot.

Audrey Shaw

TrueSport Education Lead

Connor McGuire headshot.

Connor McGuire

Elite Education Outreach Coordinator

Kate Vanderhoff headshot.

Kate Vanderhoff

Elite Education Coordinator

Bryanna Helland headshot.

Bryanna Helland

Education & Outreach Administrative Assistant

Olympic and Paralympic Programs

Lindsey Stafford headshot.

Lindsey Stafford

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Director

Emily Bench headshot.

Emily Bench

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Manager

Brett DeGeorge headshot.

Brett DeGeorge

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Lead

Mae Deese headshot.

Mae Deese

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Coordinator

Teja Kondeti headshot.

Teja Kondeti

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Coordinator

Katie Peterson headshot.

Katie Peterson

Olympic & Paralympic Programs Coordinator

Client Services

Victoria Patterson headshot.

Victoria Patterson

Client Services Manager

Rachel Laraway headshot.

Rachel Laraway

Client Services Coordinator

Jeremy Mathews headshot.

Jeremy Mathews

Client Services Coordinator

Technology & Innovation

Dave Goldbach headshot.

David Goldbach

Information Technology Director

Brent Wood headshot.

Brent Wood

Principal Data Engineer

Elijah Lopez headshot.

Elijah Lopez

Technology & Development Project Manager

Andy Lyon headshot.

Andrew Lyon

IT Systems Analyst

Eric Mason headshot.

Eric Mason

Data Analyst

Luke Gebbink headshot.

Luke Gebbink

IT Tech Support

Doping Control Operations

Juan Caraveo headshot.

Juan Caraveo

Operations & Special Projects Director

Kevin Brousard headshot.

Kevin Brousard

Doping Control Operations Manager

Heidi Christy headshot.

Heidi Christy

Resource Lead

Dana Kelly headshot.

Dana Kelly

Resource Coordinator

Chris Risley headshot.

Christopher Risley

Operations Coordinator

Cindy Brown.

Cindy Brown

Special Doping Control Operations Central Assistant Manager

Kris Forberg headshot.

Kris Forberg

Special Doping Control Operations West Assistant Manager

Alfonso McDonald headshot.

Alfonso McDonald

Special Doping Control Operations South Assistant Manager

Science, Research & DRUG REFERENCE

Laura Lewis headshot.

Laura Lewis, PhD

Science Director

Alex Bohl headshot.

Alex Bohl

Analytics & Reporting Program Lead

Amy Eichner headshot.

Amy Eichner, PhD

Special Advisor

Rick Mohr headshot.

Richard Mohr

Drug Reference Operations Manager

Annie Jirele headshot.

Annie Lane

TUE & Global DRO Lead

Sally LaCoe headshot.

Sally LaCoe

TUE & Drug Reference Coordinator

Brandon Morrow headshot.

Brandon Morrow

TUE & Drug Reference Coordinator

Doping Control Officers

USADA’s doping control officers (DCOs) are hired, trained, and employed directly by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency, not a third party agency, in an effort to ensure the highest level of quality control and effectiveness in upholding the World Anti-Doping Code and accompanying International Standards as they relate to sample collection. USADA’s DCOs are situated throughout the country and have significant experience collecting samples both in and out-of-competition setting and at events.

Debbie Hausmaninger headshot.

Debbie Hausmaninger

Doping Control Officer - Regional Team Lead

Joanna Latham headshot.

Joanna Latham

Doping Control Officer – Regional Team Lead

Molly Snyder headshot.

Molly Snyder

Doping Control Officer - Regional Team Lead

Arnold Thomas

Arnold Thomas

Doping Control Officer – Regional Team Lead

Martha Barete headshot.

Martha Barete

Doping Control Officer

Jason Barry.

Jason Barry

Doping Control Officer

Amy Brenner.

Amy Brenner

Doping Control Officer

Richard Brooks.

Richard Brooks

Doping Control Officer

Cindy Brown.

Cindy Brown

Doping Control Officer

Jackson Burrill headshot.

Jackson Burrill

Doping Control Officer

Tina Claiborne.

Tina Claiborne

Doping Control Officer

Jared Clark headshot.

Jared Clark

Doping Control Officer

Chelon Danielson-Morrill.

Chelon Danielson-Morrill

Doping Control Officer

Madisen Dugan headshot.

Madisen Dugan

Doping Control Officer

Kris Forberg headshot.

Kris Forberg

Doping Control Officer

Damon Glass.

Damon Glass

Doping Control Officer

Susan Gruber.

Susan Gruber

Doping Control Officer

Brian Hagerty headshot.

Brian Hagerty

Doping Control Officer

Laura Hahn.

Laura Hahn

Doping Control Officer

Cary Hall

Cary Hall

Doping Control Officer

Ellen Hanley.

Ellen Hanley

Doping Control Officer

Kim Harris.

Kim Harris

Doping Control Officer

Michael Hatlen.

Michael Hatlen

Doping Control Officer

Jonah Howells.

Jonah Howells

Doping Control Officer

Chelsie King

Chelsie King

Doping Control Officer

Lexie Koesterer.

Lexie Koesterer

Doping Control Officer

Thomas "TK" Koesterer.

Thomas "TK" Koesterer

Doping Control Officer

Amy Kublin.

Amy Kublin

Doping Control Officer

Myron Kyle headshot.

Myron Kyle

Doping Control Officer

Catherine Lanahan headshot.

Catherine Lanahan

Doping Control Officer

Eric-Leeds headshot

Eric Leeds

Doping Control Officer

Craig Leonard.

Craig Leonard

Doping Control Officer

Lindsey Lombardo headshot.

Lindsay Lombardo

Doping Control Officer

Matt Madigan headshot.

Matt Madigan

Doping Control Officer

Sherita Mason.

Sherita Mason

Doping Control Officer

Robert Mazza headshot.

Robert Mazza

Doping Control Officer

Alfonso McDonald headshot.

Alfonso McDonald

Doping Control Officer

Christine Mendez headshot.

Christine Mendez

Doping Control Officer

Aaron Millar.

Aaron Millar

Doping Control Officer

Ann-Miller headshot

Ann Miller

Doping Control Officer

Danielle-Miller headshot

Danielle Miller

Doping Control Officer

Marsha Moona headshot.

Marsha Moona

Doping Control Officer

Jason Norton headshot.

Jason Norton

Doping Control Officer

Denyse Parks.

Denyse Parks

Doping Control Officer

Dennis Perkey.

Dennis Perkey

Doping Control Officer

Katie Raven headshot.

Katie Raven

Doping Control Officer

Nicolette Rodriguez.

Nicolette Rodriguez

Doping Control Officer

Donna Salino headshot.

Donna Salino

Doping Control Officer

Chip Samperi.

Chip Samperi

Doping Control Officer

Monika Smith.

Monika Smith

Doping Control Officer

Phyllis Starks.

Phyllis Starks

Doping Control Officer

Ruben Tejeda.

Ruben Tejeda

Doping Control Officer

Tanya Toohey headshot.

Tanya Toohey

Doping Control Officer

Elizabeth Trinidad headshot.

Elizabeth Trinidad

Doping Control Officer

Jeff Tucker headshot.

Jeff Tucker

Doping Control Officer

Nico Vazquez.

Nico Vasquez

Doping Control Officer

Lisa-Wade headshot

Lisa Wade

Doping Control Officer

David Waites.

David Waites

Doping Control Officer

Gary Wheeler headshot.

Gary Wheeler

Doping Control Officer

Mike Wilkinson headshot.

Mike Wilkinson

Doping Control Officer