
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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Directed Research

The broad range of anti-doping research activities previously undertaken by USADA have been assumed by the Partnership for Clean Competition (“PCC”). Member organizations, including USADA, are able to provide input into research decisions of the PCC, both through participation on the PCC’s Governing Board and Scientific Advisory Board. The PCC’s 2020 annual research budget will exceed $5.2 million. Subsequent to the formation of PCC, USADA’s annual research budget has been reduced to $500,000.

As a general rule, research ideas coming to or initiated by USADA will be presented to PCC for funding first. Projects that are not funded by PCC (or WADA) can still be funded by USADA out of its research budget, depending on the priority of the project to its program. As exceptions to this general rule, USADA will consider funding research projects directly out of our budget in the following situations:

Learn more about USADA’s Scientific Research