
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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Atlanta, Georgia – October, 2002

Exterior photo of hotel in Atlanta for 2002 Science SymposiumThe purpose of the conference held at the Emory University Conference Center was to explore the oxygen transport enhancing agents and methods being among the oldest and most effective doping techniques. New oxygen therapeutics are appearing in the clincial trials setting and will soon be available for clinical use. It is also clear that addressing only one aspect of the problem would simply alter doping behavior, not move towards a solution of the doping problem. Because of consideration of these factors, USADA’s initial Symposium on Anti-Doping Science addressed the technology of, testing for, and detection of Oxygen Transport Enhancing Agents and Methods. In general, the four sessions included discussions of detection of rHuEPO; blood packing; HBOCs, PFCs, and other alternate oxygen carriers; and longitudinal studies of hematological parameters.


To discuss the science behind doping with oxygen transport enhancing agents and methods, the potential for developing a uniform testing scheme for them, and to develop a research agenda and timeline to eliminate any loopholes in the science or legal aspects of testing.

Learn more about the annual USADA Science Symposium.