
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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While recognizing a number of threats to the legitimacy and credibility of the anti-doping community, a dedicated group of National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADOs) have proposed the adoption of a ‘Declaration of Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping’ with a view to ensuring quality and leadership in the movement for doping-free sport.

A continuous evolvement and improvement of the anti-doping system is crucial to remain relevant and effective. With aligned and collaborative efforts, the world-wide movement for doping-free sport should be strengthened in many aspects to be better prepared for the future.

According to the Guiding Principles for the Future of Anti-Doping…

  1. …the athletes’ voice should be given a prominent position in anti-doping, reflecting their importance and demonstrating respect for the burden of responsibilities they bear in the name of clean sport;
  2. …everyone in sport is entitled to the right of justice at a minimum standard, based on the principles of human rights;
  3. …maximizing deterrence, targeted programs and athlete engagement is key to an effective approach to education and prevention programs in anti-doping;
  4. …good governance for all organizations involved in anti-doping is a prerequisite for a reliable and trustworthy anti-doping community;
  5. …all actors in anti-doping must ensure excellence, responsibility and transparency;
  6. …separation of powers with a clear division of the roles and responsibilities is a prerequisite for accountability.

All actors in the anti-doping community have an obligation to create, uphold, and maintain the highest standards in the protection of the spirit of sport and the right of the individual athlete and other persons. A strong and independent World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is a prerequisite for an efficient pursuit of doping-free sport and a level playing-field globally. Continuous improvement should be a daily goal for all anti-doping professionals.

The guiding principles are proposed by Sport Integrity Australia, Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport, Anti Doping Denmark, Finnish Center for Integrity in Sports, French Anti-Doping Agency, National Anti Doping Agency of Germany, Sport Ireland, Doping Authority Netherlands, Drug-Free Sport New Zealand, Anti-Doping Norway, Anti-Doping Sweden, United Kingdom Anti-Doping, United States Anti-Doping Agency.

The NADOs have invited iNADO to join in and co-organize a follow-up of the guiding principles in the NADO community. In addition, the NADOs call upon everyone – athletes, NADOs, laboratories, public authorities, sport organizations, media, sponsors, and any other organization and individual involved in sport and anti-doping – to support, promote and implement these six guiding principles for a sustainable future of anti-doping.

For more information or media inquiries, click here.