The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) has proudly awarded the 3rd Annual Larry D. Bowers Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science to Dr. Matthias Kamber, the former director of Anti-Doping Switzerland (ADCH), in honor of the critical role he has played advancing scientific excellence in the fight for clean sport as a chemist and anti-doping scientist.
Presented during USADA’s 17th Annual Symposium on Anti-Doping Science in Chicago, Ill., the Award and accompanying cash honorarium were awarded to Dr. Kamber because of his many contributions to anti-doping science. Over the course of his career, Dr. Kamber has served as a laboratory director, a member of the Swiss Ministry of Sport, and the director of a national anti-doping organization, all while initiating and conducting anti-doping research.
This research involved partnering with multiple WADA-accredited laboratories and joining ADCH-led social science projects with Swiss stakeholders. According to a colleague, Dr. Kamber “is persistent and never lost track of our aim of achieving the best possible results for clean athletes.” Dr. Kamber is particularly well-recognized in the field of anti-doping science for his pioneering work on dried blood spots and he has published more than 60 scientific papers and articles on various subjects.
“Dr. Kamber made unique contributions to anti-doping analytical and social science, as well as worked to promote the importance of science to drive evidence-based decision making and fairness to athletes,” commented Dr. Larry Bowers, former USADA Chief Science Officer.
“I am very excited and thrilled having received this special award,” noted Dr. Kamber. “For me, research was always a way to support clean athletes with new and innovative tools and solutions. I am proud that this continuous effort has been honored.”
The Larry D. Bowers Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science
The first LDB Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science was granted and created in honor of Larry D. Bowers, USADA’s former Chief Science Officer, the former director of an IOC-accredited anti-doping laboratory, the author of more than 100 peer-reviewed publications. Dr. Bowers also founded the USADA Annual Symposium on Anti-Doping Science in 2002 to advance anti-doping science and facilitate global collaboration.
With the 2018 Award granted, the nomination window for the 4th Annual Larry D. Bowers Award for Excellence in Anti-Doping Science is now open and nominations can be submitted through March 1, 2019. Qualified nominees will have contributed to anti-doping science over an extended period of time, while also demonstrating investigative independence and excellence in scientific work. More information on the nomination process and nominee requirements can be found here.
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