
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) performed 1,863 doping control tests during the third quarter of 2002, USADA Chief Executive Officer Terry Madden announced Monday. The 1,863 doping control tests cover 42 sports.

Five hundred and seventy-two tests were no-advance-notice out-of-competition (OOC) tests done between July and September 2002, and 239 short-notice out-of-competition tests were completed during the third quarter. There are two types of OOC testing: no-advance notice testing and short-notice. Thirty-one percent of USADA’s third quarter tests were no-advance notice tests.

The no-advance notice OOC testing consists of an athlete being tested at any time, whether at an athlete’s home or training venue, with no prior notice. Short-notice testing is when an athlete knows testing will occur no more than 24 hours prior to the testing. An example of short notice testing would be a test conducted during a training camp.

In addition, the remaining 1,052 tests were conducted in an event-testing situation completed during that aforementioned three-month period. Those 1,052 tests tested were completed at 53 competitions.

Among the 16 adverse laboratory findings received during the third quarter, four cases were for samples for which the athlete had prior notification records on file for the use of a restricted substance (salbutamol).The test results are thus reported as negative with respect to a doping offense. Two cases involved the use of prohibited stimulants (ephedrine) and three cases for prohibited anabolic steroids (two for norandrosterone, and one case for an elevated T/E ratio) for U.S. athletes. Additionally, one U.S. athlete has multiple positive test results for anabolic steroids (methandienone, stanzolol and elevated T/E ratio).

In addition, under a reciprocal agreement, three cases for detection of diuretics involving two international athletes and one senior U.S. athlete have been referred to the responsible international federations.

In two of those 16 cases, sanctions were issued by USADA during the third quarter.

Sanctions for one case from second quarter 2001, one case from the fourth quarter 2001, plus one case from first quarter 2002 and four cases from the second quarter of 2002 were announced during the third quarter of 2002.

One case from second quarter of 2002 has been referred to the American Arbitration Association (AAA)/Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing process. The AAA/CAS hearing process begins after USADA has determined there is a doping offense, and the athlete has elected not to accept the sanction presented by USADA. Also from the third quarter, there are two test refusals and one missed test case in the adjudication process.

One case from third quarter of 2002 was dismissed after the USADA Anti-Doping Review Board determined, based on the evidence that no doping violation had occurred.

The detection of a banned substance may or may not be ruled a doping violation.

During the third quarter of 2002, USADA performed 102 tests for the Drug-Free Sports Consortium (DFSC) and other national anti-doping agencies or international federations.  Thus far in 2002, USADA has executed 175 tests for the DFSC.

USADA is the independent anti-doping agency for Olympic sports in the United States, and is responsible for managing the testing and adjudication process for U.S. Olympic, Pan Am, and Paralympic athletes. USADA is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

The breakdown of tests can be found following this release. USADA announces its test findings four times annually. The 2002 fourth quarter findings will be announced in mid-January 2003.



      Type of Testing          3rd Qtr                2002                                                                

Sport                                   OOC1    OOC2   Event     Total                    Total                                                                

Archery                               1              0             12            13                           46

Badminton                          1              0             4             5                            13

Baseball                               0             21            0             21                           21

Basketball                           13            8             0             21                           95

Biathlon                                             2             0             0             2                            44

Bobsled/Skeleton                              13            25           0             38                          77

Bowling                               0             0             0             0                            16

Boxing                                 6             11            34           51                           113

Canoe/Kayak                      11            0             31            42                          111

Curling                                0             0             0             0                            4

Cycling                               21            0             122          143                        231

Disabled Sports                 0             12            0             12                           103                       

Diving                                 1              0             14           15                           50

Equestrian                          3             0             4             7                            18

Fencing                               4             0             20           24                          102

Field Hockey                      3             24           0             27                          34

Figure Skating                   3             0             0             3                            44

Gymnastics                        12            0             50           62                          70

Ice Hockey                          0             0             0             0                            26

Judo                                     14           0             20           34                          87

Karate                                 0             0             0             0                            9

Luge                                     9             0             0             9                            13

Modern Pentathlon           0             0             26           26                          45                         

Racquetball                        1              0             0             1                             6

Roller Sports                      2             0             33           35                          49

Rowing                               52           0             48           100                        209

Sailing                                 3             0             0             3                            26

Shooting                              2             0             0             2                            108

Skiing/Snowboarding       36           0             0             36                          217

Soccer                                  0             24           0             24                          91

Softball                               0             48           30           78                          116

Speed skating                     69           0             0             69                          126

Squash                                3             0             6             9                            10

Swimming                          106         0             120         226                        571                        

Synchronized Swimming  4             0             0             4                            28

Table Tennis                       1              0             6             7                            8

Taekwondo                         0             0             16            16                           63

Team Handball                  4             8             0             12                           29

Tennis                                 0             0             0             0                            4

Track and Field                 69           0             331          400                       983

Triathlon                             17            0             32           49                          85

Volleyball                           15            28           8             51                           62

Water Polo                         7             0             28           35                          70

Water Skiing                      2             0             8             10                          11

Weightlifting                     50           30           0             80                          306

Wrestling                           12            0             49           61                           131                        
Third Quarter Total        572         239         1,052      1,861                      4,669    


KEY: OOC1: Out-of-Competition Testing (no-advance notice); OOC2: Out-of-Competition Testing (short notice)

Event: Event Testing

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