
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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Anti-Doping Switzerland (ADCH) and The U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced today that they have entered into an international partnership designed to further the sharing of information and intelligence between the two organizations, including: providing reciprocal learning exchanges, creating joint educational initiatives, sharing science and research knowledge and collaborating on the further development of anti-doping software and applications.

“The development of modern IT solutions to collect, evaluate and interpret data is crucial for today’s fight against doping,” stated ADCH’s director Matthias Kamber. “I am happy to have, with USADA, a strong, reliable and innovative partner that shares with us these views.”

USADA and ADCH began sharing and developing technology products and systems in 2009 when ADCH adopted SIMON, the anti-doping management system developed by USADA. Since that time, USADA and ADCH have jointly developed the Paperless doping control program and the data warehouse Gateway. Paperless, digitally documents the Doping Control Official Record (DCOR) on a tablet and provides secure and easy access for athletes to their personal testing data though their online, secured accounts, while Gateway safely collects and stores critical anti-doping data.  In 2012, USADA and ADCH began to develop Chronos, a technological platform that allows for advanced data tracking and test planning involving the Athlete Biological Passport and the Steroid Passport programs. The newly established partnership between the two organizations will allow for further advancements in the Chronos program as well as an expansion into other areas of collaboration outside of technological advances.

“The sharing of intelligence and best practices among international anti-doping organizations is an important part of the success of the global anti-doping movement,” said USADA COO John Frothingham. “USADA and ADCH have a long standing history of collaboration, and this new partnership agreement allows us to further explore opportunities that can ultimately benefit clean athletes across both countries.”

Anti-Doping Switzerland (ADCH)
Anti-Doping Switzerland (ADCH) was founded in July of 2008, and serves as the independent non-profit center of excellence for fighting doping in Switzerland. The foundation ADCH receives its funding from the Confederation and from Swiss Olympic. ADCH’s main purpose is to make significant contributions towards fighting doping in sport based on the national and international rules. It does so by carrying out doping controls, intelligence, doping prevention and information, on-line drug inquiry database, e-learning, mobile game “Born to Run”, applied research combined with national and international cooperation. It protects the right of athletes to equal opportunity, fairness and a doping-free environment in sport, thus contributing to the credibility of sport expected by the general public.

United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)
USADA is responsible for the testing and results management process for athletes in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs. In an effort to aid athletes, as well as all support team members such as parents and coaches, in understanding the rules applicable to them, USADA provides comprehensive instruction on its website on the testing process and prohibited substances, how to obtain permission to use necessary medications, and the risks and dangers of taking supplements as well as performance-enhancing drugs. In addition, the agency manages a drug reference hotline, Drug Reference Online (www.GlobalDRO.com), conducts educational sessions with National Governing Bodies and their athletes, and proactively distributes a multitude of educational materials, such as the Prohibited List, easy-reference wallet cards, periodic newsletters, and protocol and policy reference documentation.

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