
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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On July 10, 2012 USADA issued a sanction announcement for three people involved in the USPS Pro-Cycling Team Doping Conspiracy case. One of those people sanctioned was team trainer José “Pepe” Martí. Despite USADA having been in contact with his legal counsel, Mr. Marti did not notify USADA of his desire to move forward with an arbitration hearing prior to the deadline and so in accordance with the rules, the sanction was imposed. After the announcement was made, representatives for Mr. Martí contacted USADA and said that Mr. Martí wanted to have his case heard in the arbitration process.

USADA believes that anyone charged with a doping violation should have the opportunity to have a full, fair, public hearing in accordance with the rules where all of the evidence will be presented and witness testimony will be given under oath in front of an independent group of arbitrators who ultimately decide the case. In an effort to ensure Mr. Martí has the opportunity to fully exercise his rights under the rules; USADA has agreed to move forward with arbitration in Mr. Martí’s case. In accordance with the rules, Mr. Martí’s previously announced sanction will be suspended pending the outcome of the case.

USADA is responsible for the testing and results management process for Olympic, Paralympic and Pan-American sport, and is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

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