
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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The United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) performed 1,046 doping control tests during the fourth quarter of 2002, USADA Chief Executive Officer Terry Madden announced Friday. The 1,046 doping control tests cover 38 sports.

Five hundred and seventy-three tests were no-advance-notice out-of-competition (OOC) tests done between October and December 2002, and 43 short-notice out-of-competition tests were completed during the fourth quarter. There are two types of OOC testing: no-advance notice testing and short-notice. Fifty-five percent of USADA’s fourth quarter tests were no-advance notice tests.

The no-advance notice OOC testing consists of an athlete being tested at any time, whether at an athlete’s home or training venue, with no prior notice. Short-notice testing is when an athlete may know testing will occur but no more than 24 hours prior to testing. An example of short notice testing would be a test conducted during a training camp.

In addition, the remaining 430 tests were conducted in an event-testing situation completed during that aforementioned three-month period. Those 430 tests tested were completed at 26 competitions.

“We continue to increase the percentage of no-advance-notice out-of-competition tests, and in 2003, we exceeded our goal and reached 42 percent. We feel that the rise of out-of-competition tests increases our ultimate goal of deterring doping in sport,” said Madden.

Among the nine adverse laboratory findings received during the fourth quarter, four cases were for samples for which the athlete had prior medical waiver on file for the use of a restricted substance (salbutamol). The test results are thus reported as negative with respect to a doping offense. In addition, one athlete had a medical exemption for the use of the stimulant bupropion. The detection of a banned substance may or may not be ruled a doping violation

In addition, under a reciprocal agreement, four cases for detection of prohibited substances (three cases with anabolic steroids and one case involving a stimulant) involving four international athletes were referred to the responsible international federations.

Sanctions for three cases from second quarter 2002 and two cases from the third quarter of 2002 were announced during the fourth quarter of 2002.

One case from second quarter and one case from third quarter of 2002 have been referred to the American Arbitration Association (AAA)/Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) hearing process. The AAA/CAS hearing process begins after USADA has determined there is a doping offense, and the athlete has elected not to accept the sanction presented by USADA. Also from the third quarter, there are two test refusals and one missed test case in the adjudication process.

During the fourth quarter of 2002, USADA performed 114 tests for the Drug-Free Sports Consortium (DFSC), the collection arm of the World Anti-Doping Agency; and other national anti-doping agencies or international federations.  In 2002, USADA executed 274 tests for the DFSC. In addition, USADA performed 54 event tests for international federations and 10 tests for the Canadian Center for Ethics and Sport (CCES), and three tests for both the Australian Sports Drug Agency (ASDA) and Norwegian Anti-Doping Agency. CCES (20) and ASDA (seven) also performed tests on U.S. athletes for USADA.

USADA is the independent anti-doping agency for Olympic sports in the United States, and is responsible for managing the testing and adjudication process for U.S. Olympic, Pan Am and Paralympic athletes. USADA is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

The breakdown of tests can be found following this release. USADA announces its test findings four times annually. The 2003 first quarter findings will be announced in mid-April 2003.


(October – December 2002)


      Type of Testing          4th Qtr                2002                    

Sport                                   OOC1    OOC2   Event     Total                    Total                        

Archery                               2             0             0             2                            44

Badminton                          4             0             4             8                            16

Baseball                               0             15            0             15                           36

Basketball                           0             0             0             0                            97

Biathlon                                             7             0             10           17                           61

Bobsled/Skeleton                              17            0             35           52                          129

Bowling                               2             0             0             2                            18

Boxing                                 10           0             0             10                          123

Canoe/Kayak                      5             0             0             5                            116

Curling                                0             0             0             0                            4

Cycling                               24           0             6             30                          264

Disabled Sports                 0             0             10           10                          143        

Diving                                 3             0             0             3                            53

Equestrian                          0             0             0             0                            18

Fencing                               1              0             18            19                          128

Field Hockey                      2             0             18            20                          30

Figure Skating                   9             0             0             9                            53

Gymnastics                        1              0             0             1                             86

Ice Hockey                          3             18            0             21                           47

Judo                                     13            0             15            28                          115

Karate                                 4             0             0             4                            13

Luge                                     8             0             24           32                          45

Modern Pentathlon           0             0             0             0                            45          

Racquetball                        3             0             4             7                            13

Roller Sports                      3             0             0             3                            60

Rowing                               16            0             0             16                           234

Sailing                                 0             0             0             0                            26

Shooting                              2             0             0             2                            110

Skiing/Snowboarding       50           0             18            68                          270

Soccer                                  6             0             0             6                            97

Softball                               7             0             0             7                            123

Speed skating                     64           0             61            125                         233

Squash                                0             0             0             0                            14

Swimming                          107         0             44           151                         722        

Synchronized Swimming  2             0             0             2                            30

Table Tennis                       1              0             12            13                           21

Taekwondo                         12            0             0             12                           74

Team Handball                  2             10           0             12                           41

Tennis                                 0             0             0             0                            4

Track and Field                 79           0             60           139                        1,123

Triathlon                             9             0             32           41                          128

Volleyball                           11            0             0             11                           73

Water Polo                         18            0             0             18                           77

Water Skiing                      0             0             0             0                            11

Weightlifting                     50           0             59           109                        382

Wrestling                           16            0             0             16                           147        
Fourth Quarter Total      573         43           430         1,046                     5,697

2002 Total                         2,377      445        2,875     5,697    


NOTE: USADA performed 274 in 2002 for the Drug-Free Sport Consortium and. In addition, USADA did 54 tests for international federations in 2002. USADA completed 57 tests for international federations and other national anti-doping agencies. None of those totals are included in the 5,697 tests performed by USADA in the table above. In all, USADA completed 6,055 tests in 2002.

KEY: OOC1: Out-of-Competition Testing (no-advance notice); OOC2: Out-of-Competition Testing (short notice); Event: Event Testing

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