
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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USADA Celebrates Athlete-Driven Contributions of Departing Board Members and Welcomes New Olympian and Top Experts

USADA logoThe U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) announced today the appointment of three new board members, while also celebrating the contributions of its withdrawing members, including longtime board chair and Olympian Edwin Moses, who will be replaced by another Olympian and experienced USADA Board member, Philip Dunn.

Moses, a two-time Olympian and two-time gold medalist, concluded his nine-year tenure on the USADA Board after serving as chair for seven years. He will become USADA’s first chair emeritus. With this move, three-time Olympic racewalker and veteran USADA Board member Dunn assumes the role of chair.

“Philip has a strong history of championing athletes and will do an excellent job as board chair,” said Moses. “I am proud I can continue to assist USADA as chair emeritus and continue the fight for fair play.”

An eight-time U.S. National Champion, Dunn has long represented the voice of athletes and was recommended by the United States Olympic Committee Athletes Advisory Committee when he joined the USADA Board in 2015.

“I am excited and honored to take on the role of board chair and assist in USADA’s ongoing mission of serving athletes,” said Dunn. “The board is fortunate to continue benefiting from Edwin’s expertise and influence, and we are thrilled to welcome our three new board members who provide immediate benefits.”

In addition to new leadership, USADA has welcomed three members to its board: Dr. Judi Brown Clarke, professor Tim Davis, and Dr. Alvin Matsumoto. Through the appointment of these new board members, USADA will gain the insights and guidance of another Olympian and top experts in the fields of business, sports law, and medicine.

Dr. Brown Clarke, a five-time national champion in the 400-meter hurdles and silver medalist in the 1984 Olympic Games, currently serves as the diversity director for the National Science Foundation’s Bio-Computational Evolution in Action Consortium (BEACON Center) housed at Michigan State University. She has also completed a term as vice president of the U.S. Olympians & Paralympians Association and was the co-chair of the board directors for USA Taekwondo.

Professor Tim Davis brings to the USADA Board his experience as the John W. & Ruth H. Turnage Professor of Law at Wake Forest University School of Law, where he teaches and writes about contracts and sports law. Davis is also the co-author of a leading sports law casebook, a former member of the USADA Review Board, and a recipient of the Association of American Law Schools’ Sports Law Section Lifetime Achievement Award.

A long-time member of the Partnership for Clean Competition’s Scientific Advisory Board, Dr. Alvin M. Matsumoto joins the USADA Board while also serving as a professor in the Department of Medicine, Division of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, Washington. As part of the Seattle Institute for Biomedical and Clinical Research at the Department of Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle, Dr. Matsumoto further serves as vice president of the board of directors and as: director of the Clinical Research Unit; associate director of the Geriatric Research, Education and Clinical Center; acting chief of the Gerontology Section; and attending physician in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Endocrinology and Metabolism.

While welcoming its newest members, USADA commemorates their predecessors, Dr. Richard Clarke and Dr. Jim Kooler, whose contributions over the years have significantly improved the effectiveness of USADA’s anti-doping initiatives and the athlete experience.

Over the course of two terms and eight years, Dr. Clark provided instrumental scientific and medical guidance to USADA, most recently serving as the board’s vice chair. Dr. Clark drew on his extensive clinical and research expertise in endocrinology and metabolism to inform policy and best practices in doping detection and deterrence. Most notably, Dr. Clark provided guidance on the risks of a new generation of anabolic agents, called selection androgen receptor modulators (SARMs), as a result of his expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, specifically as the director of muscle discovery medicine at GlaxoSmithKline R&D.

Dr. Kooler, the longtime chair of the board’s education committee, also worked to improve the athlete experience by enhancing USADA’s education programs to help athletes more easily navigate anti-doping rules and responsibilities. In addition to education strategy at USADA, Dr. Kooler advanced anti-doping education best practices internationally, and he most recently represented USADA at the second annual World Anti-Doping Agency Education Conference co-hosted by USADA and its counterpart in China.

All members of USADA’s independent 10-person board of directors are bound by USADA’s Conflict of Interest policy, and as such, cannot hold a paid or unpaid position with an Olympic or Paralympic sports organization.

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