U.S. Cycling Athlete Nelson Trujillo Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violations
Nelson Trujillo, an athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a 12-year suspension for his first and second anti-doping rule violations.
Nelson Trujillo, an athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a 12-year suspension for his first and second anti-doping rule violations.
Clint Jordan, of Colorado Springs, Colo., an athlete in the sport of weightlifting, has received a four-year period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation.
Ellis Colemam of Colorado Springs, CO, an athlete in the sport of wrestling, has received a 24-month sanction for an anti-doping rule violation.
Gregory Walker, an athlete in the sport of Paralympic track and field, has accepted a three-month period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation.
Riekert Hattingh, of Sylvania, Ohio, an athlete in the sport of rubgy, has accepted a six-month period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation.
Jackson “Huntley” Nash, an athlete in the sport of cycling, has received a lifetime period of ineligibility for multiple anti-doping rule violations.
Lucas Howes, of Scottsdale, Ariz., an athlete in the sport of BMX, has accepted a three-month period of ineligibility for an anti-doping rule violation.
Tips and tricks for elite athletes who must provide their daily locations, or Whereabouts, to sport and anti-doping organizations.
Garrett Scantling, of Jacksonville, Fla., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a provisional suspension, effective July 21, 2022.