U.S. Track & Field Athlete Logan Boss Accepts Public Warning for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Logan Boss, of Starkville, Miss., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a public warning for her anti-doping rule violation.
Logan Boss, of Starkville, Miss., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a public warning for her anti-doping rule violation.
Nana Owusu, of London, England, an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a one-year sanction for an anti-doping rule violation.
CAS decision sets aside an AAA decision, instead imposing a two-year period of ineligibility for Ryan Bailey’s anti-doping rule violation
An AAA arbitrator imposed a four-year doping sanction for cycling athlete Jenna Blandford, of Louisville, Ky., for using prohibited substances.
Royce Dates of Nashville, Tenn., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a four-year sanction for his anti-doping rule violations.
Lisa Roberts, of Tucson, Ariz., an athlete in the sport of triathlon, has accepted a public warning for her anti-doping rule violation.
Track and field coach Kenta Bell, of Nashville, Tenn., has accepted a lifetime ban for engaging in and orchestrating prohibited doping conduct.
Atlanta Westbrook of Fairview, Tenn., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a four-year sanction for her anti-doping rule violations.
An AAA panel imposed a two-year sanction against weightlifting athlete, Amy Hay, of Portland, Ore., for an anti-doping rule violation.