Get to Know Your DCO: Arnold Thomas
Learn more about one of USADA’s most veteran Doping Control Officers (DCOs) and Regional Team Leads (RTLs), Arnold Thomas.
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)
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Learn more about one of USADA’s most veteran Doping Control Officers (DCOs) and Regional Team Leads (RTLs), Arnold Thomas.
Many members of the USADA staff are dedicated to serving their communities through volunteer work with diverse organizations and causes.
Now retired, Olympic Swimmer Andrew Gemmell is channeling his commitment to clean sport to advocate for a level playing field and help the next generation of swimmers compete the right way in his role as an Anti-Doping Education Athlete Presenter with USADA.
USADA’s Drug Reference Team responsible for answering questions on substances, methods, and TUEs, helping athletes compete clean every day.
Meet Greta Neimanas, 2x World Champion who is working to protect the value of sport by helping to ensure that other athletes uphold clean sport and compete with integrity as an anti-doping education athlete presenter for USADA, using her own experiences to help athletes understand anti-doping rules and inspire their commitment to clean sport.
Sometimes, doing something good for your community means climbing stairs on a Saturday morning.
Meet Noah Hoffman, who is supporting fair play for future generations by serving as an anti-doping education athlete presenter for USADA.
When it comes to testing in sport, USADA Doping Control Officers (DCOs) are at events, training centers, homes, and other locations overseeing sample collection sessions. Two of USADA’s most tenured DCOs reflect on their favorite moments and memories from over the years.
Long-time doping control officer (DCO), Gary Robbins, got the opportunity of a lifetime to serve as a DCO at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. After the Games, Gary took a few minutes to reflect on his experience both at the Games and in the field.
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