U.S. Track & Field Athlete, Cliff Nielson, Receives Sanction for Non-Analytical Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Track & field athlete Cliff Nielson, of Chandler, Ariz., has received a four-year sanction for a non-analytical anti-doping rule violation.
U.S. Track & Field Athlete, Molly Beckwith-Ludlow, Accepts Public Warning for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Molly Beckwith-Ludlow, of Indianapolis, Ind., an athlete in the sport of track and field, has accepted a public warning for an anti-doping rule violation.
UFC Athlete, Francisco Mir, Receives Sanction for Anti-Doping Policy Violation
Francisco (Frank) Mir, of Las Vegas, Nev., received a two-year sanction after multiple positive tests for a prohibited substance.
AAA Panel Imposes 12-Month Sanction on Track & Field Athlete, Brianna Rollins, For Whereabouts Rule Violation
Track & field athlete Brianna Rollins, of Los Angeles, Calif., has received a 12-month sanction for failing to properly file Whereabouts information.
U.S. Cycling Athlete, Amanda Geving, Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Amanda Geving, of Largo, Fla., a national-level athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a 12-month sanction for an anti-doping rule violation.
Athlete Advisory: “Low Risk” Supplements May Be Riskier Than They Appear
Examples of manufacturers that have marketed seemingly low-risk vitamin and electrolyte supplements that contained dangerous and prohibited anabolic agents.