U.S. Cycling Athlete David Less Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
David Less, of Hamburg, N.Y., an athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a two-year sanction for an anti-doping rule violation due to his refusal to provide a sample.
U.S. Cycling Athlete Craig Webb, of Traverse City, Mich., Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Craig Webb, of Traverse City, Mich., an athlete in the sport of cycling, has accepted a four-year sanction for an anti-doping rule violation due to his refusal to provide a sample.
AAA Panel Imposes Four-Year Sanction on U.S. Cycling Athlete Jennifer Schumm for Doping Violation
The American Arbitration Association has rendered its decision in the case of cycling athlete Jennifer Schumm, of Greenwood Village, Colo., and has determined that Schumm should receive a four-year sanction after testing positive for a prohibited substance.
U.S. Paralympic Boccia Athlete Marck Harrison Accepts Public Warning
USADA announced today that Marck Harrison, of Columbus, Ohio, an athlete in the sport of Paralympic boccia, has accepted a public warning for failing to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) prior to his use of an otherwise prohibited medication.
U.S. Racquetball Athlete Sharon Jackson Accepts Public Warning
Sharon Jackson, of Atlanta, Ga., an athlete in the sport of racquetball, has accepted a public warning for failing to obtain a Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) prior to her use of an otherwise prohibited medication.
U.S. Weightlifting Athlete Alyssa Travis Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violation
Alyssa Travis, of Cincinnati, Ohio, an athlete in the sport of weightlifting, has accepted a four-year sanction for an anti-doping rule violation due to her refusal to provide a sample.