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The Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC) – which aims to ensure integrity in sport by supporting high-quality, high-impact, novel research – is now accepting registrations for the first ever PCC Conference on Thursday, March 4, 2010, as well as pre- applications for its first round of 2010 grant funding.

The PCC is an innovative research collaborative founded by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League (NFL), whose focus is to fundraise and make targeted grants in support of non- partisan and independent scientific research.

The PCC Conference, entitled “The Science Behind Anti-Doping,” will explore the role of science in fighting the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sport. The conference will be held at the MLB Conference Center in New York City and will feature a keynote address from MLB president and Chief Operating Officer Bob DuPuy.

The PCC Conference will dive into the importance of science and sound research in improving the detection and deterrence of banned substances in sport and in the adjudication of athletes. Session topics include “The Future of Deterrence and Detection through Science,” “Anti-Doping Research Developments” and “Translating a Laboratory Adverse Analytical Finding into Adjudication.”

Coinciding with the conference is the next deadline for grant pre-applications to the PCC. Pre- applications are due by March 1, 2010. Selected researchers whose proposals align with the PCC’s objectives will then be asked to submit full project applications by April 1, 2010. The PCC conducts three grant application rounds annually.

“The PCC Conference is an incredible opportunity for experts who care about and work hard in support of clean sport to advance the science behind anti-doping, This conference is another step in facilitating and supporting the evolution of high quality and ground-breaking scientific approaches to attacking doping in sport,” said Chief Executive Officer, United States Anti-Doping Agency, Travis

T. Tygart.

“We are proud to collaborate with Major League Baseball, the United States Olympic Committee and the United States Anti-Doping Agency on developing a conference to highlight and extend the role that science plays in the deterrence and detection of performance-enhancing drugs in sport,” said Adolpho A. Birch III, Vice President of Law and Labor Policy, National Football League. “The conference agenda is well-designed and relevant to anyone with the desire and will to fight drugs in sport.

The PCC recently announced that it had awarded more than $1 million in grant funding.

To learn more about the PCC Conference or to apply for PCC funding, please visit the PCC website at


Also participating and contributing financially to the PCC are the National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey League (NHL) and the PGA TOUR.

For more information, please contact the USOC Communications Division at (719) 866-4529.

USADA is responsible for the testing and results management process for athletes in the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Movement, and is equally dedicated to preserving the integrity of sport through research initiatives and educational programs.

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