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The Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC) today announced the PCC Fellowship Program, which aims to expand talent in the field of anti-doping research while also supporting high quality research.

Through a formal selection process, the PCC Fellowship will support a qualified scientist at a leading university or nonprofit scientific institution who is interested in the field of anti-doping, who will undertake a meaningful project, and who demonstrates potential for long-term contribution to the anti-doping field.

“The PCC Fellowship Program is an important step in eliminating the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports,” said PCC Scientific Advisory Board Chairman Larry Bowers. “Attracting and developing high quality talent is vital to fostering new leadership in anti-doping science for the generations ahead.”

Applications for the fellowship are due January 10, 2012 and applicants are required to have a PhD in a physical, biological, or medical science, or a pharmacology discipline. Candidates will need to demonstrate an excellent research and academic background and an interest in anti-doping, but may have limited specific experience with research in the field.

The selected fellow will receive a $50,000 per-year stipend in each of the first two years.  The WADA-accredited laboratory with which the applicant will collaborate or the fellow’s home institution is also eligible for funds to cover overhead.

The PCC will select one fellow to participate in a two- to three-year program. During that time, the fellow will gain practical knowledge from a U.S.-based, WADA-accredited lab and use that knowledge to conduct research that supports the anti-doping field.  The two labs participating in the first year of the program include the Sports Medicine Research and Testing Lab based in Salt Lake City, UT, and the UCLA Olympic Analytical Lab based in Los Angeles, CA.

The final selection process will be carried out by the PCC Scientific Advisory Board, for which the criteria will include but not be limited to, the recommendations put forward by the WADA-accredited laboratories, the merits of the application and interview of the applicant, and the fit between the lab, the applicant and the proposed research topic. The final decision is anticipated by April 2012.

To apply or to learn more about the PCC Fellowship, please visit the PCC website at www.cleancompetition.org.  Please contact PCC President, Jill Zeldin, at (719) 866-3306 or jzeldin@cleancompetition.org with further questions.

About the PCC
The PCC is an innovative research collaborative founded by the U.S. Olympic Committee, United States Anti-Doping Agency, Major League Baseball and the National Football League, whose focus is to make targeted grants in support of non-partisan and independent scientific research. The PCC considers research that has a high likelihood of developing new methods and products that will advance the anti-doping field and ensure integrity in sport. Also participating and contributing financially to the PCC are the National Basketball Association, National Hockey League and the PGA Tour.

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