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The Partnership for Clean Competition (PCC) – which aims to ensure integrity in sport by supporting high-quality, high-impact, novel research announced today that it is requesting proposals for projects in two key research areas: improving existing methods of detection of Human Growth Hormone (hGH) use and development of detection methods using low volume and alternative specimens.

As a complement to its ongoing grant application process, in an effort to address the PCC’s priority research areas, the organization may encourage projects submissions on specific research topics by distributing Requests for Proposals (RFPs).  Identified as high priorities, the PCC is currently requesting proposals for new and innovative approaches for detecting the use of the prohibited substance, hGH, as well as for the development of detection methods that use low volume and alternative specimens.  Proposals addressing other PCC research priorities will continue to be accepted through the standard process, outlined on the website at www.cleancompetition.org,with the next round of pre-applications due July 1, 2011.

“The use of human growth hormone and other performance enhancing drugs threatens the health of athletes and undermines the integrity of their competitions,” said Larry Bowers, PhD, chairperson of the PCC’s Scientific Advisory Board. “By increasing the window of detection of hGH and identifying alternative detection and testing approaches for the use of a range of prohibited substances, we aim to reduce the prevalence of usage, enhance detection of usage, as well as maximize efficiency and minimize burden of sample collection, and ultimately protect clean athletes.”

In addition to funding research for the two key areas addressed in these RFPs, the PCC continues to fund other projects which improve existing analytical methods for detecting particular substances, develop analytical methods to detect designer drugs, and identify cost effective approaches for testing widely-abused substances.

The PCC administers three grant rounds per year, with pre-applications due March 1, July 1, and November 1.  The PCC RFP process will follow the same timeline and requirements as the standard proposal application process.  Applications and RFP response proposals are reviewed by the PCC’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), which consists of internationally-recognized experts. The Board of Governors, comprised of representatives from the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), United States Anti-Doping Agency (USAD), Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League (NFL), considers the SAB recommendations and makes final determination on grant funding distribution.

To apply for PCC funding, please visit the PCC website at www.cleancompetition.org.

About the PCC

The PCC is an innovative research collaborative founded by the United States Olympic Committee (USOC), United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA), Major League Baseball (MLB) and the National Football League (NFL), whose focus is to make targeted grants in support of non-partisan and independent scientific research. The PCC considers research that has a high likelihood of developing new methods and products that will advance the anti-doping field and ensure integrity in sport.  Also participating and contributing financially to the PCC are the National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey League (NHL) and the PGA TOUR.

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