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In collaboration with the German National Anti-Doping Agency (NADA), USADA is proud to announce the release of “Andreas Krieger: Heidi’s Farthest Throw,” a short documentary film that explores the tragic consequences of doping through the eyes of former East German shot putter, Heidi Krieger.

The film traces Krieger’s past as a professional female athlete in what was then communist East Germany. A testament to the perils of doping, Krieger was unknowingly subjected at a young age to a state-supported systematic doping campaign that valued medal counts over the well-being of athletes. In the film, Krieger describes the often complicated effects of extensive doping on young athletes, and his subsequent long and painful search for gender identity. As a man, Krieger is now known as Andreas.

“It would be great if by sharing my story I could help keep people from doping.” said Krieger, a board member of Germany’s Doping Victim Organization. With the release of the film, Krieger continues the fight for clean sport through the telling of his life story in this gripping, first-of-its-kind documentary.

The documentary’s premiere arrives at a particularly poignant time, as the recently released WADA Independent Commission report involving Russia, reminds us that state-sponsored doping programs, however deplorable, remain a threat in today’s sporting climate.

“The clean sport community applauds Andreas for the bravery he has shown in sharing his story with us,” says USADA CEO Travis T. Tygart. “Anyone who has the opportunity to meet with former East German athletes, and to hear their stories, is reminded that we must do whatever we can to protect athletes from those who would prey on them for their own gain.”

“It is important for us to learn from the past,” added NADA chairwoman Andrea Gotzmann. “We are very pleased to present this film with Andreas Krieger. We want to work together to protect young athletes. With his story, we hope to encourage them to think about the issue and to proactively and decidedly say ‘No’ to doping.”

The film debuted at a meeting of the Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO) in Colorado Springs, Colorado on November 17th.

The film can be viewed here or at: www.andreas-krieger-story.org

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