
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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What is Meldonium?

Meldonium (Mildronate) is an anti-ischemic drug that was added to the World Anti-Doping Agency’s (WADA) Prohibited List, effective January 1, 2016. Not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and not available in the U.S., meldonium is classified as a non-specified substance in the class of Metabolic Modulators on the WADA Prohibited List.

Outside of the United States, meldonium may be used in a clinical setting for those suffering from heart conditions, such as low blood flow to the heart and angina, as well as neurodegenerative disorders and bronchopulmonary diseases.

In sport, evidence indicates that meldonium may increase endurance, improve rehabilitation following exercise, and enhance activations of the central nervous system. Meldonium may also provide cognitive advantages.


Inclusion on the WADA Prohibited List

Because of the potential for meldonium to be used to illicitly seek an advantage in sport, the drug was placed on the WADA Monitoring Program in 2015. In 2016, WADA concluded that meldonium met at least two of the three criteria needed to warrant inclusion on the Prohibited List.


Reduce Your Risk

While meldonium is not available in the U.S., it’s always best to check the labels of your medications and supplements. You can also search the status of medications and ingredients on www.GlobalDRO.com and learn about high risk supplements on USADA’s High Risk List. Keep in mind that products and substances are often called by many names, as described below.







  • [3-(2,2,2-trimethylhydrazinium)propionate]
  • MET-88
  • THP
  • quaterine

BRAND NAMES (Distributor, Country):

  • Meldonium (UP Minskintercaps, Georgia)
  • Meldonium Olainfarm (Olainfarm, Latvia)
  • Meldonium-MIK (UP Minskintercaps, Georgia)
  • Mildronat (Grindeks, Georgia; Sanitas, Georgia)
  • Mildronat Grindeks (Grindeks, Latvia)
  • Mildronats (Grindeks, Georgia)
  • Mildroxyn (Aversi, Georgia)
  • Vazomag (Olainfarm, Russian Federation)
  • Midromax (BioPolus, Georgia)
  • Mildronate (Grindeks, Lithuania)
  • Cardionate (STADA, Russian Federation)
  • Milkor (GMP, Georgia)