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Spirit of Sport Newsletter – Winter 2013-2014

TrueSport Coaching Program recognized by the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) for being a leader in ensuring positive, healthy, and enjoyable sport experiences for all athletes.

USADA’s TrueSport Coaching Education program has reached the gold standard of excellence by being awarded accreditation from the National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) at Level 3 Domain 1– Philosophy and Ethics. To date, the TrueSport Coaching Education Program is one of just over 20 programs nationally, including youth sport, high school, and institutions of higher education, to have been accredited by NCACE.

NCACE grants accreditation to educational programs that meet or exceed requirements based on the National Standards for Sport Coaches developed by the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). The National Standards for Sport Coaches provide the fundamental competencies that athletic coaches from beginning coach to master coach should possess to ensure the safety and quality of athletic programs.

“This external accreditation is important in demonstrating USADA’s and TrueSport’s commitment to the importance of prepared and qualified coaches in the U.S. With research showing that coaches are one of the most significant influences in young athletes’ lives, quality and effective training and education programs are essential in equipping coaches to maximize their impact on and off the playing field,” says Anais Spitzer, Ph.D., TrueSport Managing Strategist. “We are gratified to have met the stringent requirements and to have been honored with this important accreditation to validate and advance our efforts in coaching education.”

The TrueSport Coaching Education Program is a web-based, self-guided learning platform tailored to adult learners that utilizes engaging, interactive and practical instructional tools. Through three courses, coaches receive instruction on:

  • developing a coaching philosophy and ethics
  • effective communication and problem-solving techniques with athletes and parents
  • drug-free sport (performance-enhancing substance prevention)
  • responsibility for sound nutrition and healthy training habits
  • supplement and energy drink awareness

The program complements and dovetails with other coaching education programs by promoting the principles of TrueSport, and renewing the true spirit of athletic competition. Upon completion of the three courses, coaches receive TrueSport Certified Coach status. Learn more about the TrueSport Coaching Education Program at TrueSport.org/coaching-education-program.


The National Council for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) is a non-profit organization founded in 2000 by American sport and coaching education leaders across the country to give leadership and guidance to coaching education providers, sport administrators, and the public regarding the knowledge, values, and skills of effective coaches. NCACE works to provide quality sport coaching through the review and professional accreditation of coaching education programs, and by encouraging continuous improvement of coaching education in the United States. NCACE endorses comprehensive standards for sport practitioners, including: volunteer, interscholastic, collegiate, and elite coaches.