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The first of the year is a good time to reflect back on past accomplishments and set goals for the future. Many of USADA’s staff set resolutions for themselves, both in their professional lives and personal lives. We’d like to share those with you here.

  • Janet Bailey, DCO: Better nutrition, routine work outs and devotion time, read a book a month and make more time for USADA when collegiate job responsibilities are reduced.
  • Sandi Briggs, Business Affairs and Finance Director: Since Santa brought me a guitar, my resolution for 2015 is to learn to play.
  • Cindy Brown, DCO: I typically do not make resolutions, as they are usually broken. However, it is my goal in this next year to really make a difference in other people’s lives, especially those that are less fortunate than myself. With that being said, my resolution is to set aside some time to volunteer for CASA, Ronald McDonald house, forever I am called.
  • Brad Guye, Client Services Program Lead: My goal is to run 3 half marathons and a full marathon in 2015!
  • Lani Hawes, Athlete Services Coordinator: My goal for this year is to sponsor a child in need.
  • Lorena Martinez, DCO: Here are my resolutions: Think before I speak; Be compassionate of others; Try to be patient; Spend more quality time with my loved ones; Learn to love and appreciate me more; Try not to take others for granted.
  • Christy McGee, PR & Social Media Manager: I don’t really make new year’s resolutions, but a goal I have for 2015 is to make sure my family experiences Colorado Springs to the fullest since we just moved here in the second half of 2014.
  • Joanna Myers, DCO and Regional Team Lead: To complete classes and graduate on time in December 2015!
  • Gary Robbins, DCO: It’s easy to have fitness goals on January 1. Sometimes they’re out the window in a week. I’m going to put a marathon on my calendar. Also I’m going to work on some areas where there is ample room for improvement. (Gary’s side note here said to ask his wife if we needed further details on these areas.)
  • Annie Skinner, Senior Communications Manager: Mine is to stop drinking soda.
  • Mary Stewart, DCO: I’m not one for resolutions, but I can say – In 2015, wherever I am in my day, I want to be fully present to receive joy in my tasks and growth through my struggles.
  • Shikha Tandon, Science Program Lead: My resolutions for this year are: Read more, write more. Learn as many new things as possible. Be creative. Stay fit.
  • Mike Thompson, Operations Program Lead: Professional – Develop a structured DCO Training/Education program; Personal – Maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating better and continue working out.
  • Eric Young, Inventory and Resources Coordinator: I have two, climb a 14er and do a better job of keeping up with friends/family despite the distance.

Our entire staff looks forward to a happy, healthy and clean 2015 and we wish the same for all our athletes and supporters. Happy New Year 2015!