
U.S. Anti-Doping Agency (USADA)

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USADA registered logo.“It’s a sad day when WADA declines an invitation to testify under oath and hides behind press statements that attack and deflect and still do not answer the basic questions of why they allowed the cover up of 23 positive tests. Their defiance and fear mongering only further shows that they have lost their way as leaders, and while heartbreaking, they have no one to blame but themselves for causing the ongoing damage of the global anti-doping system.

As desperate as they are to make this about two superpowers, the reality is the WADA system failed Chinese athletes as well as athletes from around world. When funding countries investigate the misuse of taxpayer dollars it isn’t politics, it’s called accountability. WADA’s threats against the U.S. should be seen for what they are: nothing more than a desperate effort to suppress the truth. The U.S. House of Representatives have already cut WADA’s funding for 2025, and while this is not the final step, it’s time for WADA leaders to step out of their echo chamber and see that their ongoing bullying and deflection strategy is not working.

While they now admit CHINADA did not follow the rules, they have yet to answer for why they were complicit in this failure and sacrificed the rights of Chinese athletes and athletes worldwide. If WADA’s position is as they claim, then they should release the full China dossier and agree to go through a compliance audit as they require of others. And, while WADA wants to continue the race to the bottom and attack U.S. athletes and the anti-doping program in the U.S., they recently conducted a full in-person compliance audit on USADA and had glowing things to say about our program and efforts, so their statements now ring hollow.”

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